Sunday, October 20, 2013

The orchard and buildings

A co-worker mentioned that the pictures of the chicken coop were great, but she couldn't tell where it was in relationship to the property.  Good point!  I am including some pictures that will show you the layout of the land around and including the house.  We have some really big decisions to make about the rest of the property.

I have been researching Upick operations among other things.  We don't have all the infrastructure necessary though.  Our big building right now serves as a two car garage, a place for the 4 wheelers, tractor, baby chicks, tools, hunting and fishing and my grandmother's crystal in addition to my Holiday decorations!!!  And...we want to create an outdoor kitchen to process chickens, deer and canning in the spring.   That's right.  All of that in one building.  We actually need at least two or three more buildings.  One building needed is a gargage to hold the vehicles and ATVs.  I would like that building to have a loft where I can organize and see my seasonal decorations.  The second building we need is a barn where we can use the bottom portion as a store for the Upick operation and the upper portion as an apartment for my daughter!  It would be nice to have a building for feed and lawn equipment. 

Right now we have a wood shed that is in o.k. shape.  One side of it is our outside chicken coop.  This is attached to a small building that has a log exterior.  It was called a machine shed, but we use it as our chicken coop.  One side is for the chickens and the other side holds our rakes, shovels, etc.  Then we have our big building and then we have our house.  I hope the pictures will give you a better idea of how the layout of the buildings are organized.  I like that they are not spread out, but I wish I could watch my chickens from my window. 

I need a new camera.  Sorry the picture below is blurry.  This shows you how far apart the building is from the house.  I want to put a two car garage between the two, but hubby has different plans.  These are some of the difficult decisions we face.  Space planning is very important. 
 This is probably the best picture to see the layout.  The house is first.  Then the building and then behind the building is the chicken coop. 
 My husband just bought a plow from an auction.  He won it for a great price!  I love a deal.  He started plowing up our garden spot for next year.  In the background you can see the neighbors property.  They have 2,000 acres that they farm.  The land that surrounds ours is used for hay bale storage.  Their land that is behind ours is not used for anything except maybe a cow or two.  Across the stree is a corn field.  At least this year is a corn field. 
 This is a view of the field from the side of our house. It is difficult to tell, but we have planted apple trees here and at the back of the picuture is old cherry trees.  We have ten apple trees so far.  We will try to plant a lot more next year.  I would like to have a Upick place up and running in five years. 

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